söndag 3 maj 2009

Labour day and labour day's eve

Well well, where to start? I've been enjoying my ass off. It all started on thursday with a picnic with fellow students and good food. The day ended with the student unions dinner. In great company and all dressed up we found ourselves eating well prepared food. However, the lame "sitz" character of the party was one of the let downs, along with the music you couldn't shake to. But the dessert was great.

On labour's day we started with a picnic again, we sat on vårdberget for hours and I happened to get a tan. Afterwards, all of us went to the basketball court near us and played basket ball. We were about seven so we had a great game. We even had spectators. After about two hours of a fast game we tried to have a power nap but none of us could sleep. So well gathered again and ended our lovely day with a slow ice-hockey match, and finland won!

It's funny how much time I spend with my fiancés friends. Maybe because I'm kind of a tom boy and feel more comfortable in relaxed environment. Of course I love my friends too, but girls usually never tell you if there is any problem in a straight forward manner. They usually throw it in your face in different ways. And I sometimes wonder if they really spend time making up different dialogues with incorporated nastiness. I'll give you an example, One of my friends once said something in this way to me "you don't have a problem with other guys touching you, but I do". And then I thought about why would she say something like that to me...and then I remembered. There was a fellow student who was, about five years younger and for me like a little brother, showing me how to give a neck massage (and not really giving one). She interpret the situation, judged me on that basis and passed on a nasty comment after about one month. Of course there are guys to who could behave in this way but the ones I've hung out with would ask frankly.

People usually
stigmatise platonic relations between men and women in eastern cultures but why do people do it here in the west? So what's the use of a free culture if the mentality has stopped developing after 19th century?

And another thing I discussed with some of my girl friends is their amiguous behaviour. I am a person who talks about everything and that includes everything! But some of my finnish girl friends find it indecent to for example talk about sex. The ambiguity of the situation is that they don't mind having a lot of sex, drunk with different people but talking about it is somehow indecent and not ladylike..?!! I personally think that a person's actions are indecent (if you like judging people) and not his/her words. And the strange thing is that my friends are western and I come from an old and "backward" eastern culture.

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