fredag 27 februari 2009

There's a reason why brains and mouths are included in human anatomy!

I've been discussing back and forth the phenomenon that exists to my knowledge in Finland (or maybe only in the fenno-swedish area). A phenomena where the word "opinion" in itself is a big deal! I know that there are some people who don't dare to say their opinions out loud in many cultures. In some violent cultures, people are afraid of getting beaten up or even killed for saying the wrong thing or the thing the the majority doesn't like. But what the hell are Finnish people afraid of?

I see from time to time in social gatherings like organisation meetings, or at work places or even in friend circles that people usually go with the flow rather than opposing, even when they strongly disapprove. Finns are most likely to bite their teeth together, go home and be embittered by the decisions made. Then the person in charge is cursed ALWAYS behind the back. This person is then called an inconsiderate jerk just because no one else could say what they really felt and this person is supposed to magically know everyone else's thoughts.

The most stupid thing that usually is said "It makes no difference to me", when you seek for somebody's opinion in the vital AND non-vital situations. Even in small discussions where no decision are being made people chicken out. And don't say that it really doesn't make any difference because everybody including you know it does!

söndag 22 februari 2009


I sometimes wonder how it is possible that honesty and kindheartedness exist parallel to rasism and selfcenteredness in the hearts of the finnish people. Sometimes the honesty among finns could be compared to naivety, but thats just an indicator of pure hearts, to me. Some of my kindhearted finnish friends get "run over" by others again and again but they still don't give up the hope. And I guess that's what they call sisu here and it is admirable!

Pic borrowed from here

Barbies and sticks

I was at a restaurant the other day with a good friend of mine. We tried to solve mysteries of life. We talked about our futures and our pasts. About how we grew up, what we played with. And if you discuss toys and games barbies are an unavoidable topic. We both agreed on barbies' unfunctional role in games and plays. It is after all a poor toy for enhancing children's creativity. We still played with them.

One thing that we (me and her) didn't have incommon was the roleplay that kids usually have with their toys i.e. when they lose themselves to another world by just using two sticks or a doll or a car and just pretend. And they can sit for hours making up stories, talking to themselves. She said that there comes a day when you just stop playing, when you stop creating this imaginary world, when you find all this silly. I think that day came into my life quite early. I allways envied children, like my little brother, who could put life into his Gi-joes, who could see stuff that I couldn't see. My barbies are and have always been dead.

But I realise now that I created my world in my head. I didn't need toys or to talk to myself to diappear in another dimension. All I needed was to shut my eyes and the world around me was gone. So to think about it, that day hasn't still come in my life. I still do that, closing my eyes and creating another world, another dimensions, where I am a prince or a bird or lifeless doll who somehow can feel the world around her.

onsdag 11 februari 2009

Allra första

Jag har länge funderat på att starta en blogg, men av någon konstig anledning har det inte blivit av. Jag har ändå velat skriva ner mina tankar någonstans, skriver ju inte för hand längre och att skriva i en textdokument skulle kännas löjligt så bloggen får vara min "tankevädringsområde". Får se hur detta går.