Its been an interesting week. I'm back on course for my studies especially theology. I've been excersizing. I've been shopping but I only spent 2 euros on rubber gloves. This must be the first time in my life that I went shopping with someone and didn't buy anything else than the essential rubber gloves. Well well, I just need money to buy stuff.
Yaay! I just read that Dan Brown is releasing a sequal to Da Vinci code in september. Can't wait to listen to the book as I don't reall like reading, I cannot concentrate hard enough while reading. Listning, on the other hand makes me feel like somebody is telling me a story. By the way Åbo's cahedral's altar is decorated with a piece of art based on The last supper and I stared at it for a looong time and came to one conclusion, that the person sitting to Jesus's right is a woman or else it's a very feminine man with soft skin, no beard, nice curly hair, narrow shoulders and totally non muscular hands, unlike the other disciples...Just go and have a look! Maybe it's unnecessary to write all this, but I'm not writing this to offend anyone, its just fun to investigate a bit....just a bit....
1 kommentar:
Jag håller helt med dig där med att ljudböcker är lättare att följa! Har själv börjat införskaffa mig sådana! Äntligen orkar man "läsa" lite emellan! (annars skulle man ju bli total-fördummad som jazzidiot) ;)
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