Today was full of love, italian ice-cream, sun, basketball and my favourite game at the moment burnout 3! What more can I ask for!
This song can pretty much explain my mood! Enjoy!!
lördag 25 april 2009
onsdag 22 april 2009

Its been an interesting week. I'm back on course for my studies especially theology. I've been excersizing. I've been shopping but I only spent 2 euros on rubber gloves. This must be the first time in my life that I went shopping with someone and didn't buy anything else than the essential rubber gloves. Well well, I just need money to buy stuff.
Yaay! I just read that Dan Brown is releasing a sequal to Da Vinci code in september. Can't wait to listen to the book as I don't reall like reading, I cannot concentrate hard enough while reading. Listning, on the other hand makes me feel like somebody is telling me a story. By the way Åbo's cahedral's altar is decorated with a piece of art based on The last supper and I stared at it for a looong time and came to one conclusion, that the person sitting to Jesus's right is a woman or else it's a very feminine man with soft skin, no beard, nice curly hair, narrow shoulders and totally non muscular hands, unlike the other disciples...Just go and have a look! Maybe it's unnecessary to write all this, but I'm not writing this to offend anyone, its just fun to investigate a bit....just a bit....
fredag 17 april 2009
The kinder love story
The guy who created kinder eggs must a genius! Such an exciting sort of sweet.

I still remember how I met this exciting thing and fell in love with it. It was a cold october evening, my second in Finland. One of my first friends in Finland got money from her mother to buy some candy for me and her. I wanted the egg that looked so inviting. She bought one for me and one for herself, they were 3 marks something back then. I just couldn't wait to open and see what kind of sweet she had bought for me. I opened it and ate the delicious 2 in 1 chocolate, milk and white! I discovered the yellow capsule inside and didn't know what to expect. I somehow managed to open it and to my surprise (yeah I know) there were small bits inside. I looked at the instructions and with a concentration level at its top I assembled them and voilà I created my first kindersurprise turtoise with wheels.
Our love has grown ever since. The detailed toys are just admirable. I've collected almost a kilo of these cute toys. This egg always bring a smile on my face as it is so full of surprises some good as in stuff to build, some bad like pussles and readymade toys. I still buy them and every single time I experience immense excitement.

I still remember how I met this exciting thing and fell in love with it. It was a cold october evening, my second in Finland. One of my first friends in Finland got money from her mother to buy some candy for me and her. I wanted the egg that looked so inviting. She bought one for me and one for herself, they were 3 marks something back then. I just couldn't wait to open and see what kind of sweet she had bought for me. I opened it and ate the delicious 2 in 1 chocolate, milk and white! I discovered the yellow capsule inside and didn't know what to expect. I somehow managed to open it and to my surprise (yeah I know) there were small bits inside. I looked at the instructions and with a concentration level at its top I assembled them and voilà I created my first kindersurprise turtoise with wheels.
Our love has grown ever since. The detailed toys are just admirable. I've collected almost a kilo of these cute toys. This egg always bring a smile on my face as it is so full of surprises some good as in stuff to build, some bad like pussles and readymade toys. I still buy them and every single time I experience immense excitement.
måndag 13 april 2009
Worst movie ever!
Who would've guessed that a movie with vampires could suck so much ass?! Bad acting, bad direction too much talking (about worthless stuff), no action and the constant heavy breathing. Yes, I'm talking about Twilight! I usually love watching vampire movies but I couln't tolerate this one. I think this one sold because of a good looking guy. Unfotunately it's not enough for me.
One movie that contained a really cute looking guy is Bolt. I could recommend this one because of its innocence.
One movie that contained a really cute looking guy is Bolt. I could recommend this one because of its innocence.

lördag 11 april 2009
I just deactivated my facebook account. It got boring and above all I keep in touch with the friends i like through phone, of course facebook was free but I guess it was nothing for me anymore. I've never ever joined internet communities, this was the first one on temporary basis. But it lasted for more than a year.
The concept of facebook was good but having people who've never ever greeted you on the street as facebook friends is just weird. And how some people are always spying on others. I just got tired of could be compared to an addictive drug.
Ok enough about facebook. I can tell you what I've been doing the last few days.....nada! I was such a hardworking woman last week but this week has made me lazy. I have met friends and done stuff but I can't put myself into my studies or in household chores. So the house looks like a playground of dirt and filth. Maybe I should stop blogging and start cleaning....
The concept of facebook was good but having people who've never ever greeted you on the street as facebook friends is just weird. And how some people are always spying on others. I just got tired of could be compared to an addictive drug.
Ok enough about facebook. I can tell you what I've been doing the last few days.....nada! I was such a hardworking woman last week but this week has made me lazy. I have met friends and done stuff but I can't put myself into my studies or in household chores. So the house looks like a playground of dirt and filth. Maybe I should stop blogging and start cleaning....
måndag 6 april 2009

Was going through my collection of pictures when this picture caught my eye. I remember standing there and a feeling of being in another world filled my body and my mind. I've dreamt of a visiting a place this after getting lost in surrealistic art where there are stairs everywhere in different directions. Thats what life feels like sometimes in a strange but a soothing way. You sometimes don't know which way to go or which staricase to take, you see people taking the wrong one. You know its wrong as you too climbed these steps once. You meet people on different staircases as in different stages of life. Some, you never see again.

lördag 4 april 2009
I just love condensed milk. I've grown up with it as most Indian/Punjabi sweets are made of milk, which is condensed by cooking, sometimes until its dry. And yes it tastes much better than the canned one, because of its natural texture and sweetness regulation according to your taste. Anyways I bought two cans of condensed milk and wanted to do something creative with it. I found a very easy recipe of a cake on the Internet.
As I only use recipes for inspiration and I never follow them completely. I always experiment. They usually work as I imagine the taste in my head, and try to combine different tastes because good food is my passion. So this time I used this very easy recipe and did nothing more dramatic than increasing the amount of butter (as always), putting lemon peel and lemon juice in the batter to enhance the taste of condensed milk. I also cooked a little condensed milk in a pan without the tin to make it thicker. I then glazed the cake with this frosting. I also added a pinch of salt to reduce the smell of eggs.
The final product is very easy to do something creative with. Anything could work this...fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate.....
Here's the recipe
As I only use recipes for inspiration and I never follow them completely. I always experiment. They usually work as I imagine the taste in my head, and try to combine different tastes because good food is my passion. So this time I used this very easy recipe and did nothing more dramatic than increasing the amount of butter (as always), putting lemon peel and lemon juice in the batter to enhance the taste of condensed milk. I also cooked a little condensed milk in a pan without the tin to make it thicker. I then glazed the cake with this frosting. I also added a pinch of salt to reduce the smell of eggs.
The final product is very easy to do something creative with. Anything could work this...fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate.....
Here's the recipe
torsdag 2 april 2009

A swedish tabloid named Aftonbladet is included in these 4 or 5 sites. Its just a crappy newspaper written by the dumb for the dumb. The news are allways biased in foolish directions and always exaggerated. The language is so undeveloped that it seems to be written by a 5 year old. The content, now thats an example for itself! The content is overloaded by sex. Writing about rapes making these problems visible is just a good thing, because our society needs know the problems that women (and sometimes men) and children face. However I don't need to see different sexual positions when I read a newspaper in the morning or which celebrity slept with whom or how fat I am and ten ways to get rid of the extra fat so that I could achieve a
six-pack until summer. Achieving a six-pack is according to this newspaper the only way to show myself in a bikini. I usually get depressed when I read this tabloid because of its hipocricy and it tells me about the horrible world I'm living in. But is this worold really that horrible?
I once stopped reading this journal and believe or not, I felt much better, I was happier. But then I fell into the misuse again. It is so hard to not click on the link in the bookmarks. And I really feel stupid for that. From today on I'll try to quit reading this stupid newspaper because I let it affect my life too much.
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