I've been discussing back and forth the phenomenon that exists to my knowledge in Finland (or maybe only in the fenno-swedish area). A phenomena where the word "opinion" in itself is a big deal! I know that there are some people who don't dare to say their opinions out loud in many cultures. In some violent cultures, people are afraid of getting beaten up or even killed for saying the wrong thing or the thing the the majority doesn't like. But what the hell are Finnish people afraid of?
I see from time to time in social gatherings like organisation meetings, or at work places or even in friend circles that people usually go with the flow rather than opposing, even when they strongly disapprove. Finns are most likely to bite their teeth together, go home and be embittered by the decisions made. Then the person in charge is cursed ALWAYS behind the back. This person is then called an inconsiderate jerk just because no one else could say what they really felt and this person is supposed to magically know everyone else's thoughts.
The most stupid thing that usually is said "It makes no difference to me", when you seek for somebody's opinion in the vital AND non-vital situations. Even in small discussions where no decision are being made people chicken out. And don't say that it really doesn't make any difference because everybody including you know it does!